Manufacturing date?

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Peter Tabmow
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Dino: Fiat Dino 2.4 Coupe

Manufacturing date?

Post by Peter Tabmow »

Is there any way to get a general idea – month and year would be good enough – when a particular 2400 Dino Coupe chassis number would have been built? My car is number 0004915. Thanks for any help any of the assembled Dinoisti can provide!
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Dino: Fiat Dino 2.4 Coupe

Re: Manufacturing date?

Post by Fanalone »

Hi Peter

Well this is a difficult topic Peter, but on your car I think we can get very close.
I don`t know if you have seen my article here on the forum regarding my teory about the Ricambi Number, if not I think it will be of interrest for you:

According to my notes, your car with chassis no. 0004915 have Ricambi No. 5043.
If you open the chassis no list sorted by Ricambi No. which I have uploaded in the library section here:
You will see that the Ricambi No. of your car place it in just before 1971.05.01
So just before Modifica C4258 which was implemented in the production from Ricambi No.5058 (this is 15 vehicles after your car in the production line).

If you could provide me with the engine No. of your car, we can also figure out if it is a C/D version of Modifica 4245.

Peter Tabmow
Posts: 86
Joined: Sun Dec 01, 2013 11:42 pm
Dino: Fiat Dino 2.4 Coupe

Re: Manufacturing date?

Post by Peter Tabmow »


Many thanks for your detailed reply. I'm afraid I don't have easy access to the engine number, but I do see from your sorted-by-chassis-number file that my 4915 comes quite a few cars after the transitional build numbers in January 1971.

To make this easier – maybe! – what I really want to know is which edition of the Uso e Manutenzione owner's manual is correct for my car: the one with a publication date of 'V-1970' or 'I-1971'. Can you shed any light on that? Best,

Posts: 138
Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2015 7:15 pm
Dino: Fiat Dino 2.4 Coupe

Re: Manufacturing date?

Post by Fanalone »

Hi Peter

Well, what I have tried to proof in my article, is that the Fiat Dino`s are produced increasing order by the Ricambio No., and NOT by the chassis No.
So if you open the list sorted by Ricambi No., you can see that your car with Ricambi No. 5043 must have been produced very close up to May 1971.
You can see that Modifica 4258 was implemented on Ricambi No. 5058 from 01.05.1971, so 15 vehicles after your car was produced.
So for me there is no doubt regarding the manual, I-1971 should be the right one.

The engine No. is very easy to get, just slide your mobile phone down along the engine oilfilter, with the camera facing the cylinder block. Then you can take a picture of the front of the cylinder block, just under the cylinder head gasket, there it is. This will help me place your car even closer, because of Modifica 4245. The engine number of your car will define if it is produced before or after Modifica 4258, which was Implemented in the production 01.05.1971.
Here is a picture of the engine number of my car, and you can see a little of the orange/ red Baldwin engine oilfilter down in the right side of the picture. (if you click on the picture & open it).
0004539 - Engine No..jpg
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